
Approval to use HSC Dinghies

VETTING PROCEDURE For USERS of HSC owned Sailing Dinghies

HSC Sailing Committee controls the use and has responsibility for maintaining the club boats. Therefore all USERS are encouraged to take care of the boats and diligently adopt the control methods in order to maintain serviceability. 

The boats are only to be used by members who have been vetted by RYA Instructor members. This process involves:

 Vet USERS in their ability to sail and knowledge of the dinghy they wish to use.

 Vet Supervisors of under 18 year old members, emphasizing that they MUST take care of their charges (particularly while afloat).  After use, supervise cleaning (wet sails are to be hung to dry in the mast store), and equipment stowed in their proper places.

 Fill in the form  Application to Use HSC Dinghies. This is then filed as a record of vetting 

 The Dinghy cage combination code is given to the USER.

 Shown where all the equipment is kept for the dinghies to be used.

 Shown the Book for reserving a dinghy.

 Shown how to fill in the Log, emphasizing the importance of honestly recording all defects, losses and proposed modifications for improvement. The Log must be completed for every 

 The USERS should only put right defects, and complete the Log (work done), if competent to 

 HSC Dinghy Captain (or a Maintenance sub committee) will control any repairs or order replacement parts as necessary. Therefore all USERS are required to fill the Log in carefully for the maintainer to understand and act upon.