
Committee Boat Instructions

Timing: Check your clock is correct Use the same clock for the start and for recording finishes Arrive on line half an hour before the start time,( Gps clock is sometimes easiest.)

Laying the Start Line: Locate the start buoy (ODM) and anchor the committee boat a minimum of 150 metres away for Hardway races and 250 metres away for interclub or combined events from the ODM. The OOD/Committee boat owner may choose to lay the club IDM prior to anchoring the committee boat. This shall be set 150 metres or 250 metres from the ODM as above, with the committee boat subsequently being anchored 10 metres from the IDM on a transit line between the IDM and the ODM. The start line shall be laid at right angles to the first mark to leeward of the ODM. Where the IDM is installed any yacht passing between the IDM and the committee boat after the 5 minute gun will be disqualified.

Identification: Note and record yacht names and race numbers as they start to arrive. (The earlier you start recording the easier it is to capture all yachts as the starting sequence occurs). NO FLAGS SHALL BE VISIBLE PRIOR TO THE START SEQUENCE with exception of Ensign and club burgee.

Signaling: Timing must align accurately with the flag hoisting. Competitors will start stopwatches on the first signal

Starting: Once the start signal is sounded and the flags lowered, note any yachts transgressing the line, and observe any protests. Once the last starter is across the line make way to the finish with good speed. The faster yachts in good sailing conditions may be surprisingly quick to the finish.

Finishing: The finish line shall be 50 metres to enable details to be recorded. Record race number and times as the bow of the yacht crosses the line. Pass on times and equipment to the race officer as soon as possible after the last boat has crossed the line.

Thank you for your help. We hope you enjoyed your day. Please note Committee boat duties count as working party detail and you will also be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses.