


HSC use the Portsmouth Yardstick Handicap system for dinghy racing.

The Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) scheme is a system of handicapping used primarily in Dinghy Racing.  The RYA Publish National Portsmouth Numbers to aid clubs allocate handicap numbers for their club dinghies. The national numbers are based on annual input from a large number of affiliated sailing clubs.

Each class of boat is assigned a “Portsmouth Number”, with fast boats having low numbers and slower ones high numbers.  So, for example, in the case of two dinghies, a 49er might have a PN of 747 while a Mirror has a PN of 1365. Clubs will administer Portsmouth Numbers at club level and will make adjustments from the National PN’s to allow for local conditions. Subsequetley the club will make reccomendations to the RYA at the end of the year to allow the National Numbers to be reviewed.

Please see RYA website for further information. https://www.rya.org.uk/racing/Pages/portsmouthyardstick.aspx

Dinghies that do not have a PY will be allocated one by the Dinghy Race officer.

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