
HSC Facilities Terms and Conditions of use



The Hardway Sailing Club rule for Members and Visitors’ LIABILITY: All boats and gear left at moorings, or at the Club landing stage, scrubbing grids or in the vicinity of, or in, the Club premises or storage compound are left there entirely at owners’ risk. The Club accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever incurred.

Members and Visitors using the Club’s electric power supply do so entirely at their own risk.

Owners must provide their own lines and warps of the correct size and strength to secure their vessel.

Hardway Sailing Club accept no responsibility for securing vessels; this is carried out by the skipper of the vessel on arrival and it is his/her responsibility to ensure that arrangements are adequate and safe for the task.

Masters of yachts and other craft must make their own arrangements for care of their boats during times of absences from the locality.

All Masters of yachts and other craft prior to using the Hardway Sailing Club grids, must Identify the Hazards and evaluate the risks then decide on the precautions, before attempting to use the facility.

Areas to consider:

  • Ensure that the boat is well secured correctly to the piles or pontoon so that it cannot topple or pitch pole.
  • Maintaining a suitable safe passage way on the pontoon for people and dinghy/tenders trolleys free of work related gear.
  • Slips, trips or falls: The approach via the foreshore and the concrete base of the Piles are liable to be slippery. Cables on the pontoon
  • Electricity: Use correct type of lead and approved tools, cables in date for test and fault free to avoid electrocution/shocks.
  • Working at height: Dropping of tools equipment from deck/pontoon.
  • Adverse weather: Damage to craft, falling from the pontoon or deck.
  • The pressure washer is an industrial unit which develops more pressure than a domestic unit. Make sure you are braced before operating the trigger. Do not point the nozzle at other people. At close range the spray is powerful enough to blind or remove skin etc.
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) danger of breathing in harmful vapours and toxic particles.

Note: HSC By Law:

5.7. Derricks and Scrubbing Grids. Boats booked to use the grids or derricks have priority access to these facilities and must not be impeded by other craft who must be prepared to move and must not be left unattended. Should a pre-booked vessel fail to use the grid for a period of 1 hour after high water, the booking will be deemed to have been cancelled.

Use of the High Pressure (HP) hoses and pumps is available once tokens, which are available from bar staff, are purchased.

Any issues should be reported to a Sailing Committee member.

Scale of Charges:

All fees are payable before departure from the club and can be posted through the honesty box located under the balcony facing the pontoon.

Scrubbing Grids: Members per Tide £5.00:   Visitors £10.00.

High Pressure Hose:  Members Nil:               Visitor’s £10.00

Meter Tokens: £3.00 a token for all.


Please return the Pressure hose and any equipment used to a tidy state after use

Ensure that you dispose of any materials in line with environmental obligations.


Neville Bacon

Vice Commodore