

Dear Member,

Notice is hereby given that the 77th Annual General Meeting of the Hardway Sailing Club will be held on –

Friday 13th January 2023 at 1930hrs.

The Clubhouse

103 Priory Road



PO12 4LF

The club bar will be open prior to the meeting but will close when the meeting commences and will remain closed for the duration of the meeting. Once the meetings business is concluded the bar will reopen for normal service until time is called.

 Coronavirus mitigations

The meeting will go ahead on the date and at the venue stated above, it is up to the individual members to assess the local coronavirus statistics on the day and decide whether they feel the club environment at an AGM is safe enough for them to attend.

If the government decrees that indoor gatherings cannot take place or are restricted in numbers on the proposed meeting date, we will postpone the meeting until such time as the law allows us to meet indoors. The nomination board that is displayed in the clubroom and any names proposed on that board will be carried forward if the meeting must be postponed.

 Mike Roberts                                                                                           Sue Charles

  Commodore                                                                                          Hon Secretary

Documents for the AGM can be downloaded below: