
Booking Private Functions at HSC

Private Functions – Conditions for use of the Clubroom

Booking forms:

  1. Downloaded from the club website here.
  2. Complete the online form below.

The completed form is to be posted in the club postbox or emailed  to the Hon Secretary mailto:secretary@hardwaysailingclub.co.uk at least one calendar months notice. The booking should only be considered firm when you are in receipt of a written reply from the Hon Secretary. Only in exceptional circumstances will bookings be made outside of the above criteria.


  1. All private functions require the prior approval of the Management Committee.
  2. Only HSC members over 18 may request a private function booking. The member making the booking must attend for the duration of the function and be responsible for the conduct and standard of dress of all guests whilst they are on and when leaving the premises.                 
  3. The arrangements of a function do not imply the sole use of any club facilities. Other  club members are fully entitled to use any Club facility in the normal manner at any time.
  4. No fee is charged for the private use of the facilities, provided the bar is Not required or the event coincides with the bars published opening hours. If the bar is open, the provisions of the relevant licensing legislation will be strictly adhered to (particularly in               respect of drinking up times and the purchase/consumption of alcohol by minors).  It is the responsibility of the member booking to ensure compliance.
  5. The member booking will supply the Hon Secretary with a list of full names and addresses for all guests with this application. 
    The number of guests, who are not HSC members, is limited to a maximum of 20.
  6. The member booking will be required to make good any damage arising from the The Clubhouse will be inspected prior to the function and again, as soon as possible, after the function in order that any damage may be identified.  It is therefore in the members own interest to check the premises, including toilets, before leaving.
  7. The member may provide their own catering; the Club catering franchisee should be considered first. If the catering is contracted out, there will be a £10 charge for cleaning  and the galley cannot be used.
  8. All furniture must be returned to its original position on completion of the event and is the responsibility of the member booking the event.
  9. Lastly, any mess should be deposited in the appropriate bins and the premises left
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