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Home / Links / The Club / Bite Sized Help / Booking Drying Grid or Derrick

Booking Drying Grid or Derrick


 This section provides a guide on how to make a booking for one of the drying grids and separately the mast derrick.

The process is straightforward however the following text provides a step-by-step guide of how to book a drying grid:

  1. From the main new HSC webpage select Book Online, this then brings up the page with photos for pontoon, grid and the derrick.
  2. Click the Grid photo
  3. Select the grid number required and whether a morning or afternoon tide is required
  4. This then brings up the calendar page for the grid selected above.  The blue shading indicates availability and the red no availability
  5. Click into the calendar for the date(s) required, the date(s) will then outline in black and the date and price fields below will be automatically completed
  6. Then click the blue Add to cart
  7. From the next screen click View cart to make payment
  8. To secure your slot click Payment to confirm and complete the booking, or click on the small circled X on the right of the screen to cancel
  9. You can check that everything has gone through correctly by looking under My Details on the top right bar of the webpage when logged in, from the my details screen select My Details/My Bookings

There is no longer a need to book one of the two HP hoses.

Last updated 13:46 on 28 August 2024

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