Scale of Charges
Scale of Charges for Use of HSC Facilities
All fees are payable before departure from the club
Pontoon | Members | Visitors |
First 3 Hours | Nil | Nil |
Days 1 to 7 | £5.00 | £20.00 |
Day 8 to 28 | £11.00 | £44.00 |
After Day 28 | £22.00 |
Winter Rate: £25 per Week. Only available to Members. Maximum 21 days in any 30 day period. Only between the Cruiser Lift Out (Autumn) and Lift In (Spring).
Electricity Cards: Cards of different denominations are available from the bar when its open. There is a non-redeemable cost of £2.00 for each newly issued card only.
Facility | Members | Visitors |
Grids per Tide | £5.00 | N/A |
High Pressure Hose | Nil | N/A |
Meter Tokens | £3.00 | N/A |
Derrick | £20.00 | N/A |
Cruiser Trolley Per Haul | £20.00 | N/A |
Electric Winch Per Haul | £20.00 | N/A |
Storage | Charge |
Inflatables | £20/pa |
Outboards | £20/pa |
Dinghy toast rack | £20/pa |
Dinghy summer storage (compound) | £30 |
Dinghy winter storage (compound) | £30 |
Dinghy storage with mast up | £60/pa |
Kayak in racks | £15/pa |
Sailing dinghy in rack (ground level) | £60/pa |
Sailing dinghy in rack (middle & upper levels) | £30/pa |
Cruiser compound storage over 6m | £20/month |
Cruiser compound storage under 6m | £10/month |
- Masters of yachts and other craft must make their own arrangements for care of their boats during times of absences from the locality. The Club cannot accept responsibility for the safety of craft, but may at their discretion, cause same to be removed or secured or otherwise dealt with, without liability for damage caused thereto or to other craft nearby, and at cost to the owner.
- Online payment by credit/debit card is the normal method of payment under this new website. Cheques and cash are no longer acceptable.
- Please make any cheques payable to H.S.C.
- Visitors should not make a payment to any club member and instead use the website for payment.
- Club members should not accept payment from visitors and should direct them to use the website.
HSC storage rules and Fees, Subscriptions 2024.
Storing any boat, dinghy, kayak or water transport vessel must meet the requirements of the following HSC Club rule:-
Rule 26 FEES, SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS All of which are not liable for V.A.T.
Annual subscriptions and entrance fees for the categories Full, Full and Spouse, OAP, OAP and Spouse, Young Adult (aged 18 to 21 inclusive), Junior (aged 13 to 17 inclusive) and Junior (aged 12 and under) shall be of such sum as shall be determined from time to time by members voting at a legally constituted general meeting of the club.
All pontoon fees: When exceeding any published free use period, shall be such sum as shall be determined from time to time by members voting at a legally constituted general meeting of the club.
Working Party Donation: In lieu of working 6 hours shall be such sum as shall be determined from time to time by members voting at a legally constituted general meeting of the club. (See note 3).
1. Fees for the storage of cruisers, tenders (toast racks), sailing dinghy and kayak racks, outboard engine store, inflatable dinghy store, annual flat sailing dinghy allocations and summer sailing dinghy storages. These fees shall be of such sum as shall be determined from time to time by members voting at a legally constituted General Meeting of the Club.
2. The expression Cruiser shall be defined for this purpose as any vessel that would normally be kept on a mooring.
3. The expression sailing dinghy and kayak racks shall be defined for this purpose as any official space that requires the dinghy or kayak to be physically lifted to gain access.
4. The expression annual, 1st March to 1st March, flat sailing dinghy allocations shall be defined as spaces allocated annually by the Sailing Committee to prioritise the clubs regular dinghy sailing members.
5. The expression Summer Dinghy Storage shall be defined as a period when the cruisers lift into the water and expires the week before cruisers lift back out of the water into the compound (usually Mid-April to the end of October).
Rule 32- Storage. Permission to store any craft or equipment in the compound or gear store must be obtained from the sailing committee, prior to bringing the item onto club property or extending any period of storage.
Cruisers All craft stored in the compound must comply with the conditions set out in the compound form. The maximum size of craft using the winch to access the compound to be restricted to craft not exceeding five tons displacement. Craft being craned into the compound will be limited to 36 feet in length and six tonnes when weighed by the cranes computer, any vessel exceeding this figure will be put back in the water and the owner will be liable for the cost of the lift.
All other boats and associated equipment stored on HSC owned property shall clearly display a current storage sticker which is visible in the stored position. Cruiser masts in the gear store can only be stored for a maximum period of 12 months unless an extension is authorised. All craft shall be seaworthy and capable of being taken afloat, no oils, paints, acids, highly flammable material or combustion engines shall be kept on the Club premises. Outboard engines may only be stored in the flammable store. Road trailers must not be stored in the club compound unless part of a combi unit under a registered dinghy (the combi unit must not be wider than the dinghy). Trolleys or cradles for cruisers must not be stored in the compound when not in use (excluding club equipment).
The Management Committee shall, at its absolute discretion, have the power to remove from HSC owned property any boat or launching trolley, trailer or other gear belonging to a member or past member, providing that the identity of the owner of such boat or launching trolley or boats gear is known to the Officers of the Club. The Secretary shall write to such member giving him seven days notice of the Committees intention. Any boat or equipment not displaying the owners membership number and not purporting to belong to a HSC member will be set aside and marked for disposal. The management committee will publicise the boat or equipment on the notice board and if necessary in the local paper, demanding the removal of the illegally stored item. If after two months following publication, the owner is not found, and the item is not removed, the committee shall consider the item gifted to HSC which they shall dispose of as they see fit, usually by auctioning to the highest bidder. Non-members are not permitted to store any boat or equipment on HSC owned property unless prior permission has been sought.
- Seaworthy shall be defined for this purpose to mean, must be used at least twice per year and venture beyond the end of the club landing stage.
- The owner of any item stored is defined by the majority shareholder or if a 50/50 partnership, by the nominated person.
Members seeking permission to store vessels in the summer storage yard are required to contact the sailing committee and storage officer on the email addresses below.
Email: and
Application process before any vessel is to be placed in the yard:
- Email the sailing committee and storage officer attaching the form below
- Await permission from the sailing committee.
- If permission is granted, pay the fees indicated.
- If permission is not granted no vessel is allowed in the yard.
- Once fees have cleared the storage officer will allocate a vacant position.
- All other boats and associated equipment stored on HSC owned property shall clearly display a current storage sticker which is visible in the stored position
- Vessels in the summer yard must be ready to vacate before the winter lift in date. Any issues likely to affect this date must be escalated to the sailing committee immediately they become known.
Last updated 10:28 on 19 December 2024